All this pumping and nursing got my milk in this afternoon---holy cow! He's down to 11% weight loss so pedi wanted us to start supplementing some for that and he wasnt having any wet or dirty diapers yesterday. But now that my milk is in I dont think we'll have to do that. He was starting to get jaundicey so he needs formula to get the biliruben out via stools. He's def doing that now! He latches on great to me and paces himself reaaly well the lactation consultant tells me. thats more than 1/2 the battle there. His suck is a little immature but so is he--4 wks early. She's an amazing woman (lact. consult.) and helped me a ton. shes been doing this for 100 years the nurses here say and is a legend around here. love her! Im still a little tender but its healing. Ive been calling him my "puppy" or "squeaky wheel" with all his cute sounds he makes. theyre so sweet--I just love them ans keep trying to get them on video.
We had about 8-9 visitors today. Daniel and Emily came for a long time, brought me dinner and stayed with J and I till almost midnight. It was super fun actually. Theyre so glad all 4 of us will be making it to the wedding Friday. Daniel and Emily have a big brother thomas present for him...that theyre proud of the good, Godly example he's setting for his little bro and how great it will be to teach him about Thomas.
Dr Boyd said I can go home tomorrow (Saturday) but I told her "no thanks"----Im going to milk the hospital help as long as my insurance will let me---through Sunday, She said that was perfectly understandable. So the plan is to be discharged by 10:30am on Sunday morn. Shes having her baby on the 18th. A little boy too. I got a cute pic of her and wyatt on the blog below. SHe's the blonde in navy scrubs. We had the same due date for our boys (Sept 25). But this is her 4th. She's an old pro.
We're sending our little lamb to slaughter in the morning, She is going to circumcise him. She told him 3x today "you and I have your 1st date in the morning..." She uses a newer technique that requires almost no care for after and not as painful. they'll give him tylenol both before and afterwards too so thats comforting,
I took a shower for the 1st time and wow it felt great. I stayed in there for 30 min I bet.
but I got my iv and bandages taken off/out yesterday (day 2). Ive swollen up alot since I arrived here Wed morning, redistribution of fluids she said now that the placenta is gone. takes 2-4 weeks to go back down. I have no idea what I weigh now but I came in here Wed gaining a total of 34lbs with this pregnancy. I'm guessing maybe 10lbs lighter or so now? It doesnt matter at this point really. I mean I just had a baby!!! RIGHT?! It'll come off eventually, especially now that nursing is going well.
Having a great time wtih our new little man. he's just so sweet and snuggly, I LOVE IT! He loves to be cuddled too. It's a shame he won't be getting much of that around this family.....
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