Saturday, September 15, 2007

Wyatt is 2.5 weeks old already!

Here are some new pics! You can see from the 1st pic just how similar Jacob and Wyatt look alike as a newborn. Its crazy! They're just little cookie cutters of each other. Only Wyatt is way smaller than Jacob was. BUT his feet and hands are the same size that Jacob's were at this age too so maybe his feet will be even bigger than Jacobs, if that is possible.

My mom has been ere all week and has been an enormous help! She feeds the baby alot (I pump milk for that alot), has been doing our laundry, cleaning the house, getting up with the baby 1-2x at night and countless other things. What will I do when she leaves tomorrow?!?!?!!!!
I'm sure my house will turn into a total whirlwind and become a complete mess.

Jacob is getting better about being around the baby. He wakes up every day wanting to know "where is my brother?" and he's held him 3x now. He started giving him goodnight hugs. He acts better when I spend some 1 on 1 time with him every day though for a little while.

Wyatt is doing well but has his days and nights mixed up. If anyone has experienced this, I welcome any advice on how to turn him around! Nothing has worked that we've tried this past week.
I can't believe he's 2.5 weeks old already. We have been so busy here at home with him.

Jacob started pre-school this week and loves it. He's been going to the same church for Mother's Day Out for the last 2 years, this is his 3rd there. Our neighbor and friends from church also go there so we carpool and Jacob and he (David) are in the same class again this year. They love it. He goes 4 days a week from 9-2pm so its a great break for me and gives me time to nap when the baby naps.

Jacob was in a wedding last weekend. He was Daniel nash and Emily Langford's ring bearer. He did a hilarious job, is the only way to put it. He came out just before Emily and ran straight for me. I was in the last row feeding the baby so I was the 1st person he saw. It took me about 30 VERY LOOONG seconds to convince him that heneeded to take Uncle Daniel the rings (they were actually on the pillow) and that they couldnt get married without them. So after all that he finally walks about halfway down the aisle and then realizes everyone is staring at him so he turns around and books it BACK to where Emily was. HILARIOUS! So then Jay finally ended up walking with him down the aisle because Jacob refused to do so at that point b/c he was embarassed for some reason. Jay walked with him all the way down to the front. Everyone laughed and thought it was cute but Jay wasn't too happy to be in all the pics that only Jacob was supposed to be in. It all turned out fine...they still got married. LOL!

latest pics...

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